We know you have kids' items to sell, and we want to show you the easy way. 
The JBF way:) You're not alone in the process—we do this together!

Drop off Day 

Tuesday, Sept 10th | 2p-9p
Delaware State Fairgrounds
Dover Building & Exhibit Hall
18500 S. Dupont Hwy,
Harrington DE, 19952

Consignor type

Consignor Information

** Please make sure your First and Last Name and Email below MATCH the First and Last name and Email of your JBF tagging account**

If you do not have a consignor number you would need to set up your account first HERE

Consignor Ticket

  • July 13th-Sept 4th

  • Sept 5th and beyond

Drop off Appointment

DROP OFF: Please plan to allow 30-90 minutes for drop off, depending on how many items you are selling.  Items must be tagged, prepped, and sorted by type & size.

Select your drop off time below. The busiest time is right from 2p-3p. Then drop-off slows a little and picks up again in the evening around 5pm.

Your Presale Entry Time: (Adult only)

Consignors always get FREE ADMISSION at the sale! 
- Presale Ticket ($20 savings per consignor)
- General Admission ($3 savings per consignor)
- Consignors 50% off Presale | 50% off items without stars ($5 savings per consignor)
- 75% off sale ticket (Free)

Children under age 16 are not permitted during presale shopping times (besides infants worn in a carrier).

General Admission: (Children Welcome)

Help us with staffing by selecting the shopping times you might attend (they will be on your email confirmation to help remind you:)  You can still come in to shop if your schedule changes. Physical presale tickets given at drop-off. 

Friends & Family Tickets

These Friends & Family Tickets are handed out at drop off.

These three tickets are valuable and allow your Besties to get in Early with you!!
12:30pm Wednesday Sept 11th | Presale Ticket ($20 savings per entry) 
General Admission ($3 savings per entry)
9am Sunday Sept 15th | 50% off Presale ticket **items without stars ($5 savings per entry)

These tickets are for Friends and family!
General Admission ($3 savings per entry)
50% off Day ticket (Free) 

PRO TIP: If you won't see your friends before the presale : You can leave them at the front for friends  or text them a photo. Just write your consignor number on the ticket FIRST.


For each ticket that gets turned in you get one ENTRY to WIN 80% payout on your sales!

  • Your preschool
  • Church
  • Kids play places
  • Schools
  • Fast food restaurants
  • Local businesses.

Be sure to write your consignor number on each ticket:

Additional Tickets:

Pick Up

Time: JBF Harrington: Monday Sept 16th 3p-5:30p

SKIP PICK UP if you are donating all items.  Any remaining items are donated to our charity Partners by 5:30pm.

If you are not able to pick up your items you may designate someone to pick up for you. NOTE: They may miss items they do not recognize and you must be ok with those items being donated if not picked up by 5:30pm.

Additional Opportunities to Earn Extra $$ This Season

❤️ Event Staff Employment: 
Earn $13.50 per hour as part of our event staff. As a bonus, event staff get access to the earliest presales. If interested, select this option, and we will email you with information on how to apply.

💜 Consignor Helper Shift:
Help for a 4-hour shift setting up or breaking down and earn $54/per shift on your consignor check. This is a flexible way to contribute and earn extra income. If interested, select this option, and we will email you to confirm your shift.

💛 Promotion and Vendor Coordinators:

Help promote the event, sell tickets, attract vendors, and organize special events. This role involves marketing, outreach, and coordination. If interested select this option and we will provide further details.

VIP Tagger

Are you passionate about helping JBF families who can't sell otherwise? As a VIP Tagger, you'll use your expertise in pricing and presentation to ensure items get sold, bringing the secret sauce to every consignment. Plus, you'll earn extra income to support your own family, making it a win-win for everyone! 💰👩‍👧‍👦 Select this if you would like more information on becoming a tagger.


Just Between Friends (JBF) Harrington, Middletown, and Dover Consignment Sales Event Waiver and Agreement:

As a participating consignor in the Sales Event organized by Round and Round, LLC DBA Just Between Friends Middletown & Dover DE Harrington, I hereby agree and acknowledge the following:

1. Ownership and Condition of Items: I am the rightful owner with full authority to sell the items. Each item I offer for sale is in good operating condition, with reasonable wear and tear expected, and is not defective, broken, or damaged in any way.

2. Compliance with Laws and Standards: All items comply with applicable laws and safety standards, with no item under any recall or enforcement action. Any repaired item was repaired by the original manufacturer or in accordance with the original manufacturer’s warranty program. Each item complies with applicable law; http://www.cpsc.gov/cpsclis. No item is the subject of any pending or threatened recall/repair notice or other consumer protection enforcement action.

3. Liability for Recalled Items: I accept responsibility for any recalled items I consign at the sale.

4. Payout Information: I understand and agree to the payout rates based on the inventory in my tagging system. I understand that If I have under 499 items(or less) in my inventory in the tagging system, I will receive a payout of 60% on sold items. I understand that if I have 500 (or more) items in my inventory in the tagging system, I will be considered a POWER Consignor. I will receive a 55% payout on sold items. I understand that my check will be emailed to me up to 14 days after the sale ends.

5. Sale Tagging and Pricing: I acknowledge the pricing rules and implications of tagging. I understand that a “star” (printed on JBF tags) means that the item will remain FULL PRICE throughout the sale. Tags with no star means the item will be sold at 50%-75%  off on discount days.  For consignors’ protection, alterations/markings on tags (lowering/increasing price or adding/removing a star) WILL NOT be accepted any time during the sale.I understand that If I make any changes to an item in the tagging system, I must reprint a new tag.

6. Donation of Unsold Items: Items marked for donation that are not sold during the sale will be given to designated charities. Items that are marked for donation (Indicated by a dark Letter D in a circle on the tag) will be donated to Forget Me Not Families or another participating local charity. Items will be picked up at the sale at one minute after pick-up ends.

7. Rejected Items: I am aware of the consequences of submitting items that do not meet JBF standards. I understand that items that are off-season, stained, broken, missing pieces or missing batteries will be rejected and pulled from the sales floor at the discretion of JBF. JBF reserves the right to remove unacceptable items from the sales floor throughout the sale. I understand that I will be charged a fee of $1.00 per item fee for rejected items.

8. Hold Harmless Agreement:
-I understand that JBF is not responsible for fire, loss, theft, or damage to my sale items and accept the limitations regarding compensation for missing items. Additionally, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless JBF, its directors, officers, employees, and agents from any claims, liabilities, losses, or damages arising from theft, loss, breakage, water damage, ect of my consigned merchandise. This includes loss due to shoplifting, handling, natural aging, unforeseen incidents, water damage, fire, natural disasters, or other incidents.
-I acknowledge that despite the best efforts and precautions taken by Just Between Friends (JBF), there is a possibility that my items may go missing prior to or during the sale event. I understand that JBF does not receive any revenue from such missing items and, therefore, cannot provide compensation for these items if they are lost.
- However, in the event that my items are mistakenly sorted to another consignor and subsequently sold at a future JBF event, I will be entitled to a payout. Specifically, if these items are sold, I will receive a payout at the rate of 60% of the sale price, regardless of whether I am an active consignor at the time of that future sale.
-Additionally, I agree to hold harmless Just Between Friends, its affiliates, employees, and agents from any responsibility or liability for the loss, theft, or misplacement of my items. This hold harmless agreement acknowledges the inherent risks of consignment sales and absolves JBF of liability for incidents beyond their control or oversight.
9. Consignor Responsibilities: I agree to ethical conduct and am willing to sign a confidentiality agreement if requested.

10. Consignment Pick-up: I understand the pick-up schedule and consequences for non-compliance.

11. Use of Image in Promotions: I consent to the use of my image in JBF promotions unless I opt-out.

12. Refunds and Quality Standards: I understand JBF's refund policy and agree to maintain the quality standards.

13. Ethical Conduct and Confidentiality Agreement: I am participating in the Just Between Friends (JBF) –Harrington, Middletown, and/or Dover Consignment Sales Event as a consignor. I am acting in an ethical manner and agree that I am not attempting to learn the business practices of Just Between Friends (JBF), operations techniques, or any other business matters that may or may not be trademarked, registered, or proprietary in any way. I am willing to sign a confidentiality agreement and will do so if asked by a representative of Just Between Friends.

By signing this agreement, I acknowledge my understanding and agreement to all terms and conditions for participation in the Just Between Friends Harrington, Middletown, and Dover Consignment Sales Event.
Just Between Friends (JBF) Harrington, Middletown, and Dover Consignment Sales Event: VIP Consignor Waiver and Agreement

As a participating VIP consignor in the Sales Event organized by Round and Round, LLC DBA Just Between Friends Middletown & Dover DE Harrington, I hereby agree and acknowledge the following:

1. Ownership and Condition of Items: I am the rightful owner with full authority to sell the items. Each item I offer for sale is in good operating condition, with reasonable wear and tear expected, and is not defective, broken, or damaged in any way.

2. Compliance with Laws and Standards: All items comply with applicable laws and safety standards, with no item under any recall or enforcement action. Any repaired item was repaired by the original manufacturer or in accordance with the original manufacturer’s warranty program. Each item complies with applicable law; http://www.cpsc.gov/cpsclis. No item is the subject of any pending or threatened recall/repair notice or other consumer protection enforcement action.

3. Liability for Recalled Items: I accept responsibility for any recalled items I consign at the sale.

4. Payout Information: I understand and agree to the payout rates based on the inventory in my tagging system. I understand that I will receive a payout of 40% payout on sold items minus any supply fees. I understand that my check will be emailed to me up to 14 days after the sale ends.
PAYOUT TO TAGGER: I authorize JBF to pay my tagger 20% of my sales for their tagging service and any supply fees that the tagger charges.

5. Reduce: I acknowledge the pricing rules and implications of utilizing a VIP Tagger. I understand that all of my items will be marked reduced, which means they will sell at a reduced price during discount times.

6. Donation of Unsold Items: I understand that as a VIP consignor, all of my tags are marked Donate. Items marked for donation that are not sold during the sale will be given to designated charities.

7. Rejected Items: I am aware of the consequences of submitting items that do not meet JBF standards. I understand that items that are off-season, stained, broken, missing pieces or missing batteries will be rejected and pulled from the sales floor at the discretion of JBF. JBF reserves the right to remove unacceptable items from the sales floor throughout the sale. I understand that I will be charged a fee of $1.00 per item fee for rejected items.

Hold Harmless Agreement:
-I understand that JBF is not responsible for fire, loss, theft, or damage to my sale items and accept the limitations regarding compensation for missing items. Additionally, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless JBF its directors, officers, employees, and agents from any claims, liabilities, losses, or damages arising from theft, loss, breakage, water damage, ect of my consigned merchandise. This includes loss due to shoplifting, handling, natural aging, unforeseen incidents, water damage, fire, natural disasters, or other incidents.
-I acknowledge that despite the best efforts and precautions taken by Just Between Friends (JBF), there is a possibility that my items may go missing prior to or during the sale event. I understand that JBF does not receive any revenue from such missing items and, therefore, cannot provide compensation for these items if they are lost.

- Additionally, I agree to hold harmless Just Between Friends, its affiliates, employees, and agents from any responsibility or liability for the loss, theft, or misplacement of my items. This hold harmless agreement acknowledges the inherent risks of consignment sales and absolves JBF of liability for incidents beyond their control or oversight

VIP Consignor and Tagger Liability Disclaimer:

I acknowledge that JBF, its affiliates, and organizers, including Round and Round, LLC DBA Just Between Friends Middletown & Dover DE, are not responsible for any actions or decisions made by the taggers who handle my items. This includes but is not limited to, the pricing, tagging, condition, and care of the items while under the tagger's control. I recognize that taggers operate independently and may have their own agreements with me. By opting for VIP consignor services and utilizing a tagger, I hereby release JBF, its affiliates, and organizers from any liability, claims, or damages arising from the actions or negligence of the tagger.
My decision to use a tagger for my items is made with the understanding of this disclaimer, and I accept the inherent risks involved in entrusting my items to a third party.

By signing this agreement, I confirm my understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions, acknowledging that JBF and its organizers are not liable for the handling of my items by independent taggers during the consignment sales event.

"No Thank you" items

At JBF quality is key! When items below our standards are brought in, shoppers are not happy. These items require extra effort from our staff during the sale and by our sorting team because they often remain unsold and pulled from the sales floor.
In order to maintain the JBF standards, items identified as "No Thank You's" will incur a fee of $1 per item.
 Please know that we seriously don't want to collect a fee, .... our only goal is to keep quality at the forefront and to have items that are in demand and ready for shoppers.
What can you do to avoid the fee? Review the Consignor Guide to ensure that only appropriate items are brought to the sale.Ask Questions in the Consignor's group At drop-off, double-check each item. It is your responsibility to ensure that your items are clean, complete, current, and compliant with our guidelines. with our guidelines.

I understand that I will be charged a fee of $1.00 per item fee for "No Thank you" items.

JBF Bags!

  • *LIMITED* Extra Large JBF Bag-Teal

    *LIMITED* Extra Large JBF Bag-Teal

    These are Limited edition Teal JBF Bags! We only have a few in stock!

    $7.00 ea.

  • Extra large JBF Bag- Lavender

    Extra large JBF Bag- Lavender

    Lavender JBF Bag

    $6.00 ea.

Cash incentives & Prizes for Referrals

RegFox Event Registration Software